Mining for Data

Indiana's economic development community has access to a significant information resource, STATS Indiana. A data integration service, this site provides a value-added approach to demographic and economic data for every county in Indiana, such as labor force, employment by industry, Census 2000 and other key indicators. Ranks and percentages provide insight into a county's (or region's) place in the economic or demographic scheme of things. And with the new USA Counties IN Profile, developers can check out their competition nationwide.

Commuting patterns for Indiana counties are tabulated annually by staff at the Indiana Business Research Center. Data is based on the IT-40 income tax returns collected by the Indiana Department of Revenue. STATS Indiana Commuting Profiles provide an in-depth look at the number of people going into or out of each county for work. The latest addition to these profiles is maps, with the example being Greene County, Indiana. More than 1,700 people come from another county to work in Greene County, while more than 5,500 residents of Greene County go outside the county to work. The maps below show this flow of workers.

Into GreeneOut of Greene

Such maps are now available for each county in the state. Go to: